Hans Rosling
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Factfulness – A book overview
Hans Rosling
#100DaysOfLinkedIn Challenge
I have nearly 1400 contacts on LinkedIn, a lot of them I’ve never spoken too. So I thought I would go on a 100 days of LinkedIn challenge to see if I could add value to every one in my network who I haven’t spoken to recently. I’m calling it #100DaysOfLinkedIn. I’m already up to […]
Visual thinking with sketchnotes
I’m a visual learner. I like to draw things as I absorb information. I enjoy doing sketchnotes while I’m at a conference. See YOW! Sydney 2018, Australian Testing days and Agile Australia as examples of these sketch notes in practice. It helps keep me in the moment and focused on the talk material. It’s also a […]
The future of work
There was a question at last nights Sydney Testers meetup event with James Bach, “What is the future of software testing with AI and automation?” Have a read of “Weapons on Math destruction“, it’s about how big data is driving inequality. I think testers are in a good position to raise questions around the ethics […]
Feeling low today
Dear Diary, I woke up feeling tired and low this morning. My alarm went off at 6:30 but rolled over and snoozed until 7:30. I’m meant to be attending the DDD Sydney conference today but the trains were delayed. By the time I got to central station I needed to have a teary in the […]
White people can’t experience racism
After seeing Sarah Jeong’s controversy explode over twitter, and reading the general response of white people can’t experience racism, I’m going to attempt to reflect on my own biases and thinking and attempt to use my white privilege to talk about hard things. Australia is pretty racist I have an almost impossible chance of experiencing […]
soap opera testing
{Some text about soap opera testing}, please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations http://agileaustralia.com.au/2018/ You can read this pdf about this type of testing in the mean time
{place holder text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations http://agileaustralia.com.au/2018/
Knowledge Sharing
please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations http://agileaustralia.com.au/2018/