Have you ever wanted to ask a large group of people their thoughts on a particular topic? Maybe you want to know what the 2000+ members of the Sydney Testers meetup group want to get out of the group? Was your first thought to create a poll or send out a survey? I bet you […]
Category Archives: Software Testing
Next Career move
I recently asked myself, “where would I like to take my career?”. This is a blog post on that reflection. From maintaining tech skills to improving my coaching. Here are the things that are important to me. Keeping tech skills up to date I’ve been doing software testing now for over 7 years and even […]
Sydney Testers for 2019
Thank you to every one who’s been involved with Sydney Testers. What a year it’s been for meetup groups. In this blog I’m going to look ahead to reflect on what we could achieve for 2019 but first here’s a recap of what we’ve done for Sydney Testers in 2018; 13 meetup events 7 dice […]
Back on the job market (again)
It’s only the third time this year I find myself job hunting (again). It was only back in June I found myself going through a break up from Campaign Monitor and in July I was starting a new role with a start up called Insight Timer that built a meditation app. I was just made redundant […]
Setting up a homemade charging station
At Insight Timer we’ve just ordered a whole bunch of refurbished second hand android phones from Green Gadgets Australia for testing our Android app. We managed to get 9 devices for under $2K and it also gave as a pretty good manufacturer spread from Samsung to Google. This blog is how I went about building a […]
Australian Testing Days – Sydney Conference Overview
I had a blast at Australian Testing Days Conference in Sydney on Friday. It’s always good to get reconnected with some colleagues and to make new connections. First up we had Jennie Naylor go over how to use OKR’s to drive the Quality Onwership: The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework has been in use since […]
Sydney Testers and Money
We have a Sydney Testers evening with James Bach coming up soon and you might be curious to know why we are charging $5 for it when it seems we have a sponsor for the event (Campaign Monitor). There are actually a few reasons to try this model that I will explain in detail. Ongoing […]
What’s with the coach titles?
Agile, Quality, Life, Career … everyone wants to be some sort coach these days. I don’t like the term coach. I feel like it downplays the hard work that goes into teaching. I learn and I teach what I learn. I love teaching so much I often do it for free. During uni I volunteered […]
Personal Branding
Warning: This blog contains promotional content. Personal branding is all about that, what else did you expect? We had a pretty awesome CV clinic for Sydney Testers yesterday held at Opus Recruitment Solutions. Barry Smith and Mike Hollowbread specialise in recruitment for software testers and went through their pointers for CVs. These guys see a lot […]
So you want to become more technical?
Here is my 5 step guide for becoming more technical without learning to code. No matter what your background, if you follow these steps you will be more hands on technical than I was when I first graduated from Computer Science at Uni. NOTE: If you are a software tester looking to get more technical […]