Letter to self, For when you are feeling low, use this list to remind yourself of how much awesome stuff you’ve done. #HumbleBrag Events I’ve helped organise/presented at Sydney Testers Dice game 15/01 Social catch up 17/01 Communication Workshop 28/01 Women’s cricket 02/02 Quality coaching: discussion panel 12/02 Becoming more technical workshop 28/02 API Testing March/April […]
Category Archives: mental health
2018 – a year in review
2018 has come and gone. You know what, overall it’s been a pretty shit year for me but the goal of this blog post is to take a moment to practice gratefulness and to reflect. The crappy bits I started 2018 not being able to walk because I broke my ankle in December 2017 and […]
I’m binge watching youtube video’s, as I do when I’m doing nothing on the weekend and I stumble on this TED talk on co-housing: This got me thinking of all of the different types of houses I’ve lived in over the years and I’d thought I share my stories and experiences with them. My personal […]
How an offhand comment can trigger a depressive episode
I had a low day on Friday. I’ve had a persistent headache and fatigue for a few months now and a head cold on Friday brought out the worse of it. I’ve lived with depression for eight years now so I know when to have a day off to take it easy. Friday started with […]
Goal setting for 2019
I’m starting my goal setting early. I wrote this blog for goal setting for 2018. On reflection; I haven’t slipped back into obesity at least, which I was super concerned about as I spent the first six months of 2018 recovering from a broken ankle. Here’s my thinking behind my goal setting for 2019 and […]
8 years of depression
I was first diagnosed with chronic depression back in 2010. I had just spent a year on exchange in Sweden and coming back just broke me. My boyfriend at the time kicked me out of home and I felt disconnected from all of my uni friends because my studies were no longer on par with […]
Mental Heath Update
I haven’t blogged about mental health for a while. Here’s an update on where I’m at. Overall; this week I’m feeling good. I’ve been experiencing a reasonable amount of fatigue/change recently which has made the last two weeks a little low. Breakdown at the bus stop I had a mental breakdown at a bus stop […]
Are you Hungry? Try the Carrot Test
Have you ever found yourself with a strong desire to eat almost anything and thought to yourself, “why do I want eat?”, “Am I really hungry?”? Often the drivers for eating are emotions; we could be bored, stressed or feeling low. We could be looking for that quick comfort and unfortunately a lot of what […]
Getting up on stage
I enjoy performing. Don’t ask me why. I can’t explain it. You could say it’s something to do with the rush, or the perception of adding value or entertainment for other people. I want to tell you a few stories about my adventures in performing. Do you want to improve your performances? I’m available for […]
Back on the job market
I find myself back on the job market after a break up with Campaign Monitor. I didn’t successfully pass probation. It was a mutual thing and both sides of the discussion were adult about it. These aren’t easy conversations to have and it doesn’t serve any purpose to get angry and rage quit. I am […]