Awesome stuff you’ve done this year and things you are working towards

Letter to self, For when you are feeling low, use this list to remind yourself of how much awesome stuff you’ve done. #HumbleBrag Events I’ve helped organise/presented at Sydney Testers Dice game 15/01 Social catch up 17/01 Communication Workshop 28/01 Women’s cricket 02/02 Quality coaching: discussion panel 12/02 Becoming more technical workshop 28/02 API Testing March/April […]

How an offhand comment can trigger a depressive episode

I had a low day on Friday. I’ve had a persistent headache and fatigue for a few months now and a head cold on Friday brought out the worse of it. I’ve lived with depression for eight years now so I know when to have a day off to take it easy. Friday started with […]

Goal setting for 2019

I’m starting my goal setting early. I wrote this blog for goal setting for 2018. On reflection; I haven’t slipped back into obesity at least, which I was super concerned about as I spent the first six months of 2018 recovering from a broken ankle. Here’s my thinking behind my goal setting for 2019 and […]